I'm still getting used to it. I'm surprised every time I look in the mirror. I love it and I can't believe I stalked this haircut for a year before actually going for it. Every few hours I feel a pang of sadness and loss for my long blonde hair. But there's something incredibly liberating about this new look.
An exciting new phase for the Undercover Blonde. How will I fare with short blonde hair? I'm pretty sure it will be different. Check back for updates!
looks great....
can't wait to see it in person...
The short is nice.
I am still stalking a bob, that sort of angled one, longer in the front, but as I had the finest, straightest, most body-free hair of all time, I am terrified that I will look like the Little Dutch Boy, like I did last time I chopped me hair when I was 12. But yours looks great!
What a cute haircut? Summery too. I like it :)
Short is liberating! Wear it with pride sister!
VERY cute!!! It suits you!
Thanks for the support, guys!
TWG, find a great stylist and go for it! I realized the other day that I had this same haircut when I was 18. Trust me, it did NOT look the same. A lot can be accomplished with a curling iron and a bottle of hairspray (said the Jersey girl) :)
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