Thursday, October 16, 2008

At Fenway

The Sox are losing. And I'm surrounded by chodes. Beside us, two very
special guys who spilled beer on the Mathematician.

Behind us, two old timers extolling the virtues of Mitt Romney as
truly the best Presidential candidate. "Everything he touched turned
to gold."

Chodes of all ages.


BR said...

I missed the word chode and didn't even know it. Thanks for bringing it back to me :)

Kitty said...

So happy to help! :)

Anonymous said...

Chode? Obviously not something to aspire to but what other "your not a nice person" slang is it similar to.

I want to fully appreciate these beings.

Kitty said...

Hey anonymous, check this out:

I totally picked this word up from a friend and can't stop saying it. I don't know, it's just one of those things. I consider it synonymous with meathead in a way, but use it in a much more expansive way.

Thanks for stopping by!

Chef E said...

Great blog, saw you mentioned in an online article today, 'Mind Your Manners...Your Waiter Is Watching'...keep it up, and I am also in the industry and been on your end as well...

Kitty said...

Thanks, Chef E!